Probably the worst feature of man is the ability to vocalize and speak. It sounds crazy but speech is at the core of all of, mankind's ills because of the defective brain primates have. Most humans have nothing meaningful to say, and if they realized how they are just noise they would not speak.. Mankind is a collection of species that has nothing to do with what humans call race. For instance a species is genetic based like left handlers as their brains form differently and in a more superior fashion genetics has now shown.
At the marked other end of the species spectrum are Neanderthal DNA people, Downs and Williams syndrome as well as those with Nonsyndromic holoprosencephaly also known as "beadie eye syndrome" which causes the brain hemispheres to develop separately making for dim witted combative behavior. See and these genetic differences are as marked a difference between the Wolf and a domesticated dog - both canines but one violent and largely undomesticatable and the other craves companionship of humans. See and while people have focused on skin color and facial features, what is the the real measure is genetic usually tale told by skull shape. Neanderthal DNA shown by a characteristics of skull shape as to who will not think clearly and seek to dominate by fear, size and violence the Neanderthal DNA people with slant foreheads and the anatomical modern vertical forehead humans that are socially cooperative a non violent. Sounds crazy but that genetic marker of vertically verses slant forehead is a common denomination more often than not. Few studies are done by the comparison of skull shape to violent or intellectual DNA, but they are there on Neanderthal DNA and what social and emotional characteristics it causes. Take look at the profile of the skull of Mr Putin.
In case you don't get it he has a slant forehead. The Neanderthals interbred with modern anatomical humans throughout the European continent primarily because females wanted offspring larger and taller often without thought of intellect -- after all intelligence had little value in tribal, feudalism Europe. The English emptied their jails and sent much of the worst of their Neanderthal. DNA to Colonies in America and Australia.. But it remains a largely Caucasian thing as they considered people of color inferior and did not breed with people of color so that keep the large percentage of the Neanderthal DNA in white skinned people. To this day conflict is in European lands and in America between people of color and Caucasian people who believe the color of their skin makes them superior. Such a notion in and of itself demonstrate the lack of intelligence second only to common language and religion tribalism.
A reality TV show spin off of "90 Day Fiancé" on TLC is "The Family Chantel" which chronicles an African American Dominican Republic looking female who was studying to be a BSRN who herself is bit hard charging hot headed in its reality story line 7 years in had married into a Neanderthal DNA Dominican Republic family. Modern Neanderthal DNA people have short foreheads often 2 inches and usually slanted back but not always pronounced slanted back if mixed with the people of color. One needs to follow the show, but in season four episode 5 at about 6 minutes in - Alejandro, Chantal's husband's, Pedro's sister's Nicole's ex-boyfriend shows up un-expected at Nicole's job straight off the flight from New York to try to reconsile and the and the Caveman Neanderthal scene begins which can be found at and while one must understand even reality shows may be semi scripted, and participants may be compensated for their appearance some parts cannot be faked as scenes scripted and even if so - because obviously a camera crew is there and no security was called in an alledged government office, that scene and several others illustrate "Neanderthal thinking" as President Biden calls it. In the episode Chantel is beginning to see just what she lept into as marriage. So while the show is part fake and part real reality, the show has enriched the lives of all allowing Chantel to by a house fresh out of Nursing school, the "fireman's schedule" of 3 days of 12 hour shifts on with four days off allows a shooting schedule. However Alejandro is not one who is faking much as one look at him and history in the shows beyond doubt he a modern day high Neanderthal DNA person. A whole genome sequencing of his DNA would certainly show thar. Females with small cranium and short foreheads behave, think and respond just like Nicole, Pedro and even their mother Lidia who is actually a Lawyer in the Dominican Republic are not really acting but are all extremely "Jerry Springer" style volital whi h is why TLC knew they had a hit of craziness if they spun off "The Family Chantel" because just watching the seasons one can see Chantel and her family has good sense but she married into a family of craziness. Overlay that onto Putin's and Xi Jinping in their thinking and it is easy to see their stubborn craziness.
See all three seasons starting at and all 18 seasons of Ancient Aliens starting at and you can change seasons by changing the number in the url and refreshing. Right click or in the video should bring up a download icon ( third from the left) and clicking it and then "streamsb" should give an option to download in low quality or normal quality far smaller in size to what is playing, and following that then backing out will place the file on your device. Watch them over time and the answer is proven. Lastly see what Earth's Moon really is here => and you might understand why man has not been so anxious to return there.
Most all humans resort immediately to force or manipulation of others believing that competition and fighting due size is the right thing to do, but of course they are wrong and that is most of the humans of the Earth. The short answer is all humans are of the same chromosome count, so can interbreed, but genetically differ by a base species of intellect and instinct. Cro-magdan man, the Neanderthals and "Germanic" people were on planet Earth but but dim witted and warring unsuitable for breeding workers for the Extraterrestrials - with elongated skulls - and 25 to 50 percent greater brain so great apes were used to create modern anatomical humans who would be docile smaller and more intelligent due DNA splicing the Extraterrestrials did. To get the same result it would be like taking a mutt or mongrel dog and trying to breed it back into a purebred wolf. Would never work. The proof all of this is the genetic record today shown by DNA strings in man that did not exist in time before the Mesopotamia birth of civilization. In short the Neanderthal species was unsuitable due its violent gene (MAOA) and low intelligence and ability to be managed. King Tut by the way is the last of one family of elongated skull strange DNA humans. They did this research because they had weak immune systems not of this Earth and bred small humans like them. King Tut was said to be one of the tallest in his family and he was only 5-6 tall. The problem today is that the Neanderthal did not go extinct, they interbred with the modern-day man. This is why there is such a division between people of science and Neanderthal thinking which explains things in mystics and Gods. They lack the capacity to think in logical deep terms. "Oh my God" could that be?? The question is which genetic influence or degree of separation are you??
CNN's John Avalon has strung together a series of his "Reality-check" videos he calls "on the Extreme" that loops for about two hours and explains what is wrong with America and he and his guests suggest what is the best way to fix it. See it by starting at
The difference in intellect and reasoning has shown in the global pandemic. Half got the vaccines right away, the others hid behind their fear of needles trying to reason and prove others how smart they were not to get the protection. If it had been a pill they would have taken it. In the meantime their idiocy showed in deaths and permanently being disabled by COVID. See and and these are but two examples of intellectually dim witted people. The proper way to view the vaccine issue is I cannot reason with the virus and like Russian roulette if it gets me it will be too late then. As Dr Fauci said " you get vaccinated to save your life". CNN runs more videos on a loop behind those two, some of more dim witted thought videos. Mostly Republicans, Democrats say, dead folks cannot vote, so let them keep on with this party and personal suicide. COVID kills in 5 to 10 days so by 2024 or 2022 Republicans will have reduced their own voting roles. They do not seem to see this. Stupidity is the word.
So what's wrong with humans ?? Short answer, humans are apes without hair and have an ability to speak. Instinctively they are apes most unable to think with originality. It is monkey see monkey do and wanting to take what someone else has, This is the human brain, See for starters and
The trouble is humans share more DNA with chimpanzees, the dumber more violent and aggressive primate than bonobos the more social and cooperative species thought to be the last Great ape before mankind, and no one is exploring a Whole Genome Sequencing three way comparison, humans have the violent aggressive thieving trait as a default go to behavior. See
Humans, Chimpanzees and Bonobos have the same brain structure with the main difference being more *Grey matter" A. K. A the neocortex is larger in humans. But in essence the thought instincts are. the same, with Chimpanzees being more violent and aggressively frustrated, with Bonobos more calm and measured, but Humans can go either way depending on their genes. See and
The human brain is a DOSE organ and not a logical intellectual based organ. People just want to be happy and feel good. See
The main difference is being taught to think truly empirically and knowing that fantasy is not fact and a tendency to fantasy is gullibility which is dim witted ness.
As a result one of the worst features of humans is the ability to speak because it leads to conflict like from 0 to 100 instantly. Then there is the DOSE aspect people do to themselves with vices like sex, drugs and alcohol. Then there are the adrenaline junkies and testosterone and estrogen to add to the mess. The calm people who think more logically about what they are doing are the 10% or so born who are left handers.
Most people think emotion is good but it is not, it is the source of most all of human beings problems. Left handers think about what they are doing or about to do, while right handers jump right in often into peril and usually get it wrong. See and In short as the BBC article shows, the left handers have a superior brain, but sadly they are only ten percent of the human population, and on the flip side is the inferior brain caused by genetic issues like nonsyndromic-holoprosencephaly See
In short the saying about "beady-eyed" people has a basis in science. One of the more well known one today is Marjorie Taylor Greene, and her behavior actually fits a person with nonsyndromic-holoprosencephaly. In short it is where the hemispheres of the brain do not connect leading to lower than average intellect and wisdom - even when told over and over, they suffer an inability to learn why their behavior and thinking is inappropriate. The truth is people do not know how think about things scientifically so they just must talk so they make up rationale based on what they want to believe - again usually wrongly.
Then there are a host of other genetic conditions - the most prevalent being the WTF-1 gene which is known as the "gullibility gene" that affects the supra credulus of the human brain. In short this is where the fantasy and stupidity issues of humans come into play, because gullibility is actually "stupidity" - being nice in language instead. See this group of articles and and and ( you can listen to that one) and
Because humans have not been careful in breeding themselves, many are actually breeding themselves backwards closer to limited intellect of the animal primate world, but simply can walk, talk and drive a car having gone to a school of human society.
Sounds harsh, but any primate researcher knows it true. For whatever reason humans feel the need to follow someone they view as successful so they can say and feel a part of their successful endeavors, but then kill them and take control if they can. Lately people have been gullible in mistaking celebrity with leadership ability. This is how America ended up with Trump as President. The "accidental president".
It is not "the big lie" so much as it is likely mental illness of Trump due COVID psychosis and attraction of gullible people in conspiracies. . See for example
Trump was already borderline crazy when elected ( ask Mary Trump) , but COVID finished the job and his mental faculties will never return, so we need to stop publishing his delusional behavior, one can pick any delusional person at any mental hospital to the same effect. He is gone mentally.
Mid-July 2021 a number of video articles were posted about the real Trump behind the scenes. They all paint a disturbing picture of a person others compared to Hitler. See and and and and and and all of this from the most flagrant puic political liars ever - see so either Trump is a conscious liar or an absolute idiot or moron who cannot get any fact straight.
Michael Smerconish in his CNN piece shows how republican strong holds are unvaccinated and then asks how to reach the unvaccinated and an image comes to mind of American troops. Crossing Nazi lines to vaccinate The enemy so they can keep fighting America,. See It appears the patriotic thing to do would abandon them, end the free vaccination program in 60 days, say who cares andi implement a National vaccine passport on cell phones under Marshal law if need be, like France has.and see
Trump and the Republicans are dangerously making gullible people into cult members. This is something out of the "How to become a tyrant" playbook. See
Trump was never a legitimate fit to serve president, ( see and that should be measured against how an electoral college can over rule the National popular vote. Trump and the several other recent Presidents who got into office that way should be called out repeatedly. Adjustments need to be made in States already a part of the National Popular Vote Effort Compact ( to include a Voter Choice Ballot immediately. See for example see
Trump is the first president in recent history who was mentally ill when he took office, unfit to serve. See for example
Now in the Trump aftermath his mental illness is SPREADING like unchecked cancer as a cult. Stoked by reality TV, is it now OK to lie. These are not people trying to move a more perfect union forward but seditious actions trying to tear the country down.
So what's wrong with humans is in genetics in that genes are common for aggression and violence and gullibility - which is really lack of intelligence and rare for the opposite, calm see, cooperative behavior and intelligence. Yes there are genes for that and the problem is in 85 to 90 percent of humans to be aggressive and violent. Some manage and channel it better than others.
Until they are called stupid and gullible following a lying sociopath who may well be also a psychopath they will not do introspection and see they are in a national cult. I do not care if is Fox News, Newsmax or others, these networks and people need to be called idiots and their anchors or talking heads - call them stupid dumb and gullible and they will be forced to internally think if they are. At the least it will make them mad enough to "loose it" and really go through the stages of grieving to make them think. Soon it may need to become a police state in America to force vaccinations. In France it is. See People can take the shot or move out of the country. We do not need them loading down the economy and Healthcare system and spreading death and more fear.
The "big lie" should not used to describe Trump and his actions, but rather that Trump is mentally ill maybe suffering COVID psychosis and that Trump lost by 7.4 million votes the second time and lost by 3 million votes in 2016. That is the "big truth" See for example
What Americans are now seeing is the craziness and stupidity of people and politics that was always there boiling under the surface now erupting and if is not quenched it will be the end of America. President Biden describes it right as Neanderthal thinking. But it is time to stop being nice. This is not a right of freedom to threaten all of society.
These people are crazies who the pandemic has shown us now just how dumb, stupid and unintelligent they are. The founding fathers would say these are the people who should not have the right to vote because they are not people who want to live in America under law, they are seditionist persons.
When schools open this time I fear Americans will begin to hear the real big lie that we're going to be unaffected in deaths of school children getting the delta and gamma variant that kills so fast there will be another ugly national panic.
What happened to Typhoid Mary?? Locked up for the good of society.
To be honest, all of this started with Roswell in 1947 as the birth of conspiracy theory and government cover up, and look where brain psychosis goes over just two generations. See
Dr. Michelle Fiscus is smart to move out of hillbilly dumb land Tennessee. A person born and raised in Cambridge Massachusetts near MIT has far greater life and educational prospects than anyone in born almost anywhere in Tennessee. This author when on a date with a girl from Tennessee and that was one date too many, not only was she dumb and silly . . . she could not understand why I was not interested in her .See But places like Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, Missouri and Texas will continue to endanger the entire Nation. Also, if Extraterrestrials do exist and wanted to attack to wipe out mankind, COVID - this fast mutating COVID family would be the perfect weapon. RAID for people too dumb to protect themselves. See
There is a theory supported by history and artifacts that man was genetically engineered from the great apes and perhaps by Extraterrestrials who did so and actually know our genome better than we do. They could not survive on Earth for a variety of reasons for long the biggest being it appears they had no immune system for Earth living. See There are three seasons, 10 episodes each beginning with the ancient Samaritan texts and how they integrate to the bible. You can change the url season and episode number to navigate. It is documentation series. The summary is humans were not bred to be Smart but to follow and be gullibly loyal. Only maybe ten percent of mankind has genes for original thought.
One of the worst things humans could have gotten was the ability to speak,. First humans have a fear of someone who does not look like them and have a perceived intelligence the same as them,. Otherwise the ape instinct is to kill them. See
Then there is Ancient Aliens , a History channel series of 16 seasons beginning at which can be navigated the same way.
Yet the most effective way to kill a virus known as early as in recorded history is by the Egyptians and lost as common knowledge is aqueous Cupric Sulfate that will kill any invading viruses and no one ever in the world mentioned it during the pandemic so far - but Trump with his infamous "bleach" comment. Wrong chemical dumb-ass!! Right theory. Yet it is on the National Institutes of Health website.
It is time to stop being nice, tolerant, and polite and political with these idiot specimens of Americans and call openly them the dumbest of the dumb in America - Governors included - putting their own feeble brain power over the experts who know as well as and those who follow them. The grim reaper is showing them how smart they are. These are the people who will argue with a doctor to bring back a long deceased loved one. See for example
It is like CNN's JOhn Avalon says "There is no cure for stupid" See
No one has mentioned yet the Gamma P1 variant which no one is sure, but appears kills children and newborn Babies fast.
I got my second shot on July 21st and I waited six months because, as Pfizer has tried to warn, the efficacy wears off in 6 to 8 months ( See. and and it appears come the Christmas season, no one will shut down again, schools will be open spreading it, and, people will not listen this time for sure, and this time it will be the time all the current vaccinations will be wearing off and people will be emboldened that they are protected forever because even CNN people have been saying that without disclaimer.
The bottom line is vaccines only trigger the immune system and if and only if the vitamins, minerals and nutrients are present in the body to make AND maintain the antibodies, otherwise then over time the body will discard them needing those nutrients for other thiings in the body.
It is like Dr Gupta pointed out transmissions with Delta occur just walking past another or touching a garbage can and that can also mean touching money or packaging on store shelves. In short the air is not safe to breath near others, or touch things of others having done so.
Gupta did not say anything but he knows that the Delta variant breaks through the vaccines. Berman jumped in to say that the vaccine was protection, but clearly Dr. Gupta reluctantly agreed.
I have 20 N95 masks and none are for sale. I don't like what Fall and the Christmas season is going to be. We may not need to wait that long.
When you publicly and clearly and directly shame these people for being so stupid, they will fall in line and probably realize that from his record in office and lies alone, Trump is an idiot trying to become a tyrant and just maybe they have been made fools of to follow him ever and to wake up and learn to think like an American in order to form a more perfect union.
You are stupid if you do not have a vaccination and even with Delta and Gamma the vaccination alone is not going to be enough protection.
Shame them for being stupid, call them gullible openly and they will fall into line or crawl back under the rock from whence they came.
Being stupid is not something to be proud of, be it pandemic or political.
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